Art and Power (dir. Philippe Roussin, CNRS, Sebastian Veg EHESS)

This project launches two comparative studies of the relationship between art, power and democratization in the twentieth and twenty-first century. Thefirst one addresses the question of literature (with a geographical focus on Europe, Latin America and Asia (through a collaboration with Kyoto University, Japan, and Academia Sinica, Taiwan). The team brings together researchers of EHESS/CNRS (CESSP, Centre Chine, Cral) and ENS (LiLa Department). The pilot-project will collaborate with a Groupement de recherche International (GDRI)of the CNRS which will be launched in 2016 under the direction of Philippe Roussin (CNRS, EHESS), : “LITERATURE AND DEMOCRACY (XIXth – XXth CENTURIES): THEORETICAL, HISTORICAL AND COMPARATIVE APPROACHES”. The second topic will address the complex relationships between music and political power in the twentieth century, focusing on the relationships between music and totalitarian regimes on the one hand, and that between popular musical practices and political resistance on the other, but it will also tackle other questions notably the blasphemy-charges addressed to musical practices and their effect on composers (for example self-censure). (EHESS: CRAL, Centre Georg Simmel).

Rapport scientifique: Art and power Bilan scientifique 2017