Times of the Image

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We are accustomed to perceiving images primarily as spatial representations, as slices in space. However, the image is as much about time as it is about space. While it manipulates time by freezing it or setting it in motion, time … Continued

La vie des arts (mode d’emploi)

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Can we grasp the arts in the diversity of their manifestations, their social and historical contexts, and their functions as well? This is the challenge taken up by Jean-Marie Schaeffer, who offers a series of spotlights on points that are … Continued

The limits of aesthetic seeing

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This article explores the concept of sight perception from both cognitive and aesthetic perspectives, by examining the limits of visual attention. It discusses how conscious and unconscious mechanisms can influence what individuals see and may experience aesthetically. It also presents … Continued

Les nuances du regard des enfants

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Les enfants sont capables de regarder et d’expérimenter des peintures de façon complexe. Ils reconnaissent sur les images des sujets profonds et font des analyses liant l’iconographie à des questions comme la guerre, la mort, la fiction et la morale, … Continued

Eye-tracking and Japanese artwors: Fukami

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Looking at paintings – Fukami – is a project developed by IRIS-CCS (Initiative de Recherches Interdisciplinaires – Création, Cognition, Société) of PSL Research University, EHESS and its Centre de Recherche sur les Arts et langage (CRAL) and the Centre de … Continued

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