CCS a lancé deux projets structurants d’une durée de trois ans dont le but est de structurer deux dispositifs de recherche inter-établissements, interdisciplinaires et conjuguant recherche « académique » et exploration artistique. Les deux projets partagent un certain nombre de questionnements ainsi qu’un outil de recherche spécifique, le eye-tracking. Si leur développement le permet, certains projets exploratoires ont vocation à rejoindre l’un ou l’autre de ces deux projets structurants.


1. The aspect of paintings: Tracking the vision(s) of the Issenheim Altarpiece

      (dir. : Etienne Anheim, Michel Menu, Jean-Marie Schaeffer)



This research project aims to contribute to our knowledge about how we experience paintings and more specifically about how visual exploration, cognitive categorization and emotive evaluation contribute to the aesthetic dimension of our experience of paintings.


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 2. Aging and Arts

     (dir: Nadeije Laneyrie-Dagen, ENS)






Aging and Arts is a multidisciplinary program developed by the “équipe d’accueil » SACRE. Its aim is to study the cognitive, social and aesthetic aspects of how aging – including its psychological impairments- affects our relationship with arts and aesthetic experience. Aging and Arts wants to act as a creative force changing the stereotypes about the elderly, fostering inter-generational dialogue within the arts and about the arts, and struggling against an age-based discrimination , leads to understanding the elderly population as a social problem and never as a sheer force.


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